Tuesday 22 March 2016

The Dancing Chicken

Oil on canvas.

This is from the same dismal place in Berlin that, three years ago, supplied us with entry no 2 in this blog. Here artist 'AV' has gifted us with a bleak field of stubble, a skeletal tree, two blue barns with poor perspective, an old babushka (or possibly a bear, who knows) with a massive pink scarf, and a huge, prancing chicken in the foreground.

Excitingly, it had a companion piece by the same artist, a muddy scene looking past a similar blue barn, or possibly farmhouse, towards a distant village with an even weirder, Hitchcockian perspective, where all of the houses have pink lights. It has that same kind of disturbing, Mitteleuropa quality as the Singing Ringing Tree and that Metz advert with the 'Judderman'. I was glad to get out of that room...